Tuesday 18 June 2019

Recurrence of Low Back Pain is Common ...
🔺Low back pain does have a good natural history with many recovering over a 4-6 week period. However many go on and develop recurrent symptoms.
🔺This current study looked at two main questions:
1️⃣ How commonly and how quickly does LBP reoccur in a cohort of people who have recently recovered from an episode of LBP?
2️⃣ What are the prognostic factors for a recurrence of LBP
👥 n = 250 subjects who had recovered from an episode of low back pain within the past month.
🤕 About 70% of people in the study had a recurrence of low back pain during follow-up.
🤔 Prognostic factors for a recurrence:
- Exposure to awkward posture, long time sitting, and more than two previous episodes of low back pain.


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